Saturday 15 June 2013

A stroll along the canal with friends

Swan nesting on the far bank of the canal.
5x4 view camera, pre-flashed Ilford VC paper negative
through a yellow filter, 150mm lens, f11 for 1 sec
13th June 2013

I had a very nice walk today along the canal with a selection of cameras and most importantly, a friend whom I had not seen for far too long.

I had forgotten how much large format photography is a great excuse for a good walk and a long chat :)

I managed to capture some images too; despite it spitting with rain.

The swan was reasonably cooperative as it is nesting, but the ducks swam past too quickly to appear in the 1 second exposure.  Just behind the tree is a train track; as ever, I managed to miss the train.

Willow Bark. 5x4 view camera,
pre-flashed Ilford VC paper negative, 150mm lens,
f16 for 11 sec

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