Monday, 28 March 2016

Bread knife

Bread.  Canon S120
7th March 2016

Tonight at the restaurant, they had an interesting way of serving the bread.   They seemed to have a surfeit of it as they even gave us a few extra rolls to take away with us at the end of the meal!

Six legs and sunshine

Ladybird.  Canon S120
6th March 2016

Despite it just being the last tail of Winter, there are insects around.   This ladybird had the sense to wait indoors and watch the weather through the window.

Concrete Skyline

Distant City.  Canon S120
5th March 2016

The local skyline is rather 'compact' and 'vertical'.    In the UK, such dense habitation would be rife with problems, but here there is a different attitude to compact living.

I do not have the head for heights.

A-Priori food photography

Abalone.  Nokia 630
4th March 2016

Today I had the opportunity to photograph lunch prior to it being cooked; it is not something I normally have the opportunity to do (except when it is veg in the garden).

Just another

Bricks.  Canon S120
3rd March 2016

The restaurant we ate in this evening had interesting decor; just bricks.

They did have a very nice polished concrete floor though.

The food was really nice too.

Friday, 25 March 2016

High or Low?

Tall Chair.  Nokia 630
2nd March 2016

I encountered these chairs today.   In the picture, it is not clear whether they are a normal chair but with a very tall back, or a standard height to lean on, but a really low seat...

Luckily they were of the more comfortable variety, and the back high enough that even the longest coat that is hung on the back would not drag on the floor.


Clear Labelling.  Canon S120
1st March 2016

Today we opted for a buffet for our evening meal.  The local restaurant was very accommodating, but there were a few dishes which looked good, but were not trivial to identify.

The labels did not always help either!   By a process of experimental gastronomy, this particular dish appeared to be a crab salad.

Not seen often

Snow.  Nokia 630
29th February 2016

Although today only comes once every 4 years, it seems like I only see snow as often!

Last night we had a light dusting of the white wonder; luckily just enough so that there was the faintest crunch underfoot on the steps outside this morning :)

Stairway to Fitness

Stairs.  Canon S120
28th February 2016

While out shopping today, I encoutered a flight of stairs which have been very usefully labelled with the energy taken to ascend them.

The flight was long, but even though my legs felt tired at the top, the labelling provided a very good reminder of just how efficient the human body is and how little energy it actually uses.  Back to the diet to keep the weight under control!

Hot Stuff

Korean Pepper Sauce.  Canon S120
27th February 2016

There are some small pleasures in life which are unexpected when first encountered.

It was 2001 when I first discovered Korean hot pepper sauce, and it took me rather by surprise!   Unaware of what it was, I put a full tube of it onto my rice (thinking it was tomato) and then sat with running eyes for some time after eating it.

Despite the heat, the taste is rather good, so I have acquired a few tubes so that I can 'spice up' my bolognese and jacket spuds.

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Big head, big slot

Screw heads.  Canon S120
26th February 2016

Today at terminal 5 I looked up and saw that the main structure for the ceiling is screwed and bolted together like Meccano.

Each screw head must be at least a foot across; they must have a massive screw driver for tightening the screws up.

Long Shadows

Rising Sun.  Canon S120
25th February 2016

The weak Winter sun is rising earlier each day now.   These fence posts were casting some rather long shadows this morning.

A Cold Prick

Brambles.  Canon S120
24th February 2016

Jack Frost had been back out again this morning; he had covered these brambles in a good coating of white.

The new shoots have just started forming, but at least brambles (or trainee blackberries) are nice and hardy.

The eyes have it

Being Watched. Canon S120
23rd February 2016

We went out for a walk this morning.  There were lots of sheep in the field we passed.  They kept watch and made sure that at least there was one pair of eyes on us at all times.

They even managed to peer through gaps in the hedge to keep watch on us as we went down the lane.

Muppet was not quite sure what to make of all the attention, but trying to get his harness off soon distracted him.

Sunday, 20 March 2016

Drift of Snow

Snowdrops.  Canon S120
22nd February 2016

I spotted a whole drift of Snowdrops under a hedge today.

There were stacks of blooms nodding in the gentle breeze that was circulating under the hedgerow.

Shame it is the closest we have come this year to real snow.

Everyday objects: Yanking your chain

Sink plug chain.  Nikon D7000
21st February 2016

We have three sinks and one bath in the house, and each has a plug to keep the water in.  All had plugs on chains, but there is only the bath and one sink which still has its plug attached.

The little chains are very pretty, but also seemingly very weak.   The ball-and-socket design looks like a good idea at first, but appears to be just a series of weak links.

One day I may get around to fixing them all.

Abstract: Spoon Shine

Reflections in a spoon.  Nikon D7000
20th February 2016

It is difficult trying to photograph curved shiny objects without capturing yourself.

I found today that although still visible, it is possible to partly obscure ones reflection with a careful placement of a flash output.

The flash also lit up the scratches on this spoon nicely.

Every day objects: Obscuration

Net.  Nikon D7000
19th February 2016

I am not one for living in a goldfish bowl, so we have the traditional 'net curtains' on the kitchen windows.

I am always amazed that something so simple as a net curtain can act as an effective on-way screen.

Amazing what you can do with light.


Gnats.  Nikon D7000
18th February 2016

Although still Winter, the weather has not been really cold yet.  Today the sun came out, and there was a cloud of Gnats buzzing around the apple trees.  

As I tried to photograph them, they then came and buzzed around me...  Time to start scratching at the thought!

Drip Drip

Drips.  Nikon D7000
17th February 2016

It has been raining again :(

The drips hanging off the fig tree made interesting subjects however.

Silver Tips

Frosty Nettles.  Nikon D7000
16th February 2016

There was a little touch of frost again this morning and the new growth on the nettles gained a silver edging.

I took the opportunity of the newly forming stings being frozen to pull the new nettle growth out :)

Green Rising

Pond Lilly.  Nikon D7000
15th February 2016

With the demise of the fish in the pond, the duck-weed has made a uniform covering on the surface.  

The water lilly has started to make its presence known however and is starting to poke up through the mire.

Not long now and we may have some pretty flowers to go with it.


Knife Block.  Nikon D7000
14th February 2016

Jo bought me a new knife block recently.   The design is rather splendid with lots of plastic strips on-end.   The knew knives are also rather splendid too.

Highs of Lows

All Time Low on stage.  Canon S120
13th February 2016

This evening we headed out to another gig.   All Time Low were playing, supported by Good Charlotte.   Good Charlotte have been around for a fair few years now, but they still sounded good and played all their old classics.

It is the second time I have seen All Time Low; being one of Katie's favourite bands and all.   For a bunch of lads, they certainly can play!